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Grandma Sullivan (maiden name Dowey)

Grandma Sullivan (maiden name Dowey)



Dowey Laugh is a line of happy and healthy face oil and skin care products that I designed to revitalize your routine. Each product is packed with 100% organic, cruelty-free ingredients, and my custom blends are designed to reveal naturally glowing skin that thrives no matter what life throws your way! After all, I did name my company after my grandma who said that a good laugh and good skin could get you through anything.

Our Story

My grandma was the first person to teach me about beauty. She told me to always have a clean face, brush your eyebrows (I come from a family of unruly hair), make sure to moisturize, and no matter what life throws at you, you can get through it with a hearty laugh. Her maiden name was Dowey and she and I shared what was coined, the “Dowey Laugh”. The type of laugh that you could hear from houses away and would actually make your sides hurt. My grandma’s laugh lives on through the generations and her beauty regimen has helped countless people feel more confident. I hope you’ll join me on this journey . . . your skin will be happy and healthy and your heart full of laughter.

- Erin Sullivan (Creator/Owner)